Philodryas viridissimus

Breeding season 2021
The temperature of the incubator is set on 27 Degrees Celsius.

Data  # Eggs Specie # Days of 
Data Hatched # Hatched

26 / 03
28 / 03
29 / 03
31 / 03

4 good + 1 bad
1 bad in water
4 bad (lack of laying eggs)
1 bad
Oxyrhopus rhombifer inaequifasciatus  77-78  11 / 06  2 (+1 dead in egg)  Breeding couple is F1 Generation,
first time
 23 / 04  1 good + 3 bad Oxyrhopus rhombifer inaequifasciatus   -  Female is F0, male is F1
Not fertilized...
24 / 04
26 / 04
28 / 04
4 good + 1 cheese
1 good
1 good
Lampropeltis triangulum hondurensis - N (Tangerine) 71-73   04 - 06 / 07 3 First time. 
(shedding at 10-11 / 7)
03 / 05

2 good + 3 question

Lampropeltis triangulum hondurensis - O (Tangerine)  69 11 / 07  
07 / 05 9 good Oxyrhopus rhombifer inaequifasciatus 73 - 80  19 - 26 / 07  5.2 

6 good
1 not fully developed, dead in egg
1 helped with hatching

11 / 05 24 not fertilized :(
Average size eggs
4,5 cm long
3 cm wide
Ophiophagus hannah - First time
Breeding Pair: F0 - Captive bred
Mating: 6 April 2021 (30 min)
Start building Nest: 22 April 2021
Pre-shed: 29 April 2021
Start laying eggs: 11 May 2021
First egg: 11 / 5
Last egg: 1 / 6 (2 with defecation)
03 / 06 9 not fertilized Oxyuranus microlepidotus  -  -  - all eggs not fertilized 
05 / 06 13 good + 4 not fertilized Philodryas erlandi 86-91 

02 - 04 / 09 

 3.3 Breeding couple = F1
2 undeveloped
1 dead in egg
13 / 06 8 good, but not fertilized Oxyrhopus rhombifer inaequifasciatus (42) - - - Not fertilized 
22 / 07 7 good Oxyrhopus rhombifer inaequifasciatus (42)  76-78 06 - 08 / 10   1.2  
04 / 08 3 good + 14 not fertilized Philodryas erlandi  - 2nd clutch
10 / 08 5 good + 3 not fertilized Oxyuranus microlepidotus  74-75 23 - 24 / 10 1.1 2nd clutch
18 / 10 13 (?) Philodryas erlandi  77-84  03 - 10 / 01 2.2.0 3th clutch
0.1 = deformed mouth
16 / 10
20 / 10
Oxyrhopus rhombifer inaequifasciatus (#43) - - First clutch
not fertilized
27 / 10 5 + 1 chees Oxyrhopus rhombifer inaequifasciatus (42) 71 04-05 / 01 0.0.2  
24 / 11 5 Oxyrhopus rhombifer inaequifasciatus (43) 73 05 / 02 0.0.1  
11 / 12 7 Oxyrhopus rhombifer inaequifasciatus (42) 67-71 16-20 / 02 1.4